

  • What is EV type2 charger with V2L cable? Nabíjačky typu 2 pomocou káblov V2L (vozidlo na načítanie) sú bežným nabíjacím systémom používaným v elektrických vozidlách (EV). Typ 2 sa vzťahuje na špecifický nabíjací konektor používaný na nabíjanie EV, tiež známy ako konektor Mennekes. Táto nabíjačka sa zvyčajne používa v Európe. V2L cables, on the other hand, not only allow electric cars to charge their batteries, but also put power from the batteries back into the electrical system. This feature enables the electric veh...
  • Ventilátor 3D DC Desk je druh ventilátora DC Desk s jedinečnou funkciou „trojrozmerného vetra“. This means the fan is designed to create three-dimensional airflow patterns that can effectively cool a wider area than traditional fans. Instead of blowing air in one direction, the 3D Wind Blow DC Desk Fan creates a multi-directional airflow pattern, oscillating vertically and horizontally. This helps distribute cool air more evenly throughout the room, providing a more comfortable and cooler experience for users. Overall, the 3D Wind DC Desk Fan is a powerful and efficient cooling device that helps improve air circulation and relieve hot weather.